Often I'm an all or nothing girl. I find the things I want to share here are one of 3 things. They are either intensly personal-things like exposing my fears, chanllenges and sin, sharing something I'm learning or that God is showing me, or extremely shallow and of no value to anyone. It's strange for me to blog in the first place because I often wonder(much like twitter and facebook) why anyone really cares what I have to say anyway. I suppose I will forge on because I'm guessing you might appreciate the connection, encouragement, and information just like I do when I read other blogs. So I will get over myself, the idea of making mistakes here on the blog, and the fear of what you think of me and strive for the connection anyway.

An update on the ADOPTION front...we are WAITING! It has taken alot longer on this leg of the journey-waiting for our referral (getting matched with our children) than we thought it would. But if we've learned (experientially) anything thus far it is that nothing goes as you expect in international adoption. Came across this great quote: Waiting patiently in expectation is the foundation of the spiritual life." - Simone Weil

Contrary to what I thought, waiting is not exactly passive. It's active and passive. It's the development of further trusting God's sovereignty, timing and provision. I Love Sue Monk Kidd's explanation:
"I had tended to view waiting as mere passivity. When I looked it up in my dictionary however, I found that the words passive and passion come from the same Latin root, pati, which means "to endure." Waiting is thus both passive and passionate. It's a vibrant, contemplative work. It means descending into self, into God, into the deeper labyrinths of prayer. It involves listening to disinherited voices within, facing the wounded holes in the soul, the denied and undiscovered, the places one lives falsely. It means struggling with the vision of who we really are in God and molding the courage to live that vision."  -  SUE MONK KIDD, When the Heart Waits

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